Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Thank You!!!

These are some of the items we've received from the smile.amazon wish list for the Music Room.  We have enjoyed trying out the new instruments.  The seat cushion got used right away!  It is so nice to work in a community that enjoys sharing their gifts with the school!

There are still items left on the list if you'd like to contribute.  The link is https://smile.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/129E7DO4KCNUK/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_4?_encoding=UTF8&type=wishlist

Maori Stick Passing game

4th and 5th grade classes are trying out a stick passing game from the Maori people of New Zealand.  A little sneak peek at their upcoming concert!  (Jan 30)

Sunday, September 15, 2019

All of the Falcon Heights community sang Funga Alafia; a welcoming song with roots in Nigeria.  A small group of 6th graders played drums and bells with us.  It was awesome to hear all their voices together!
Funga alafia. ase ase (ashay, ashay)
With my thoughts, I welcome you!
With my words, I welcome you!
With my heart, I welcome you!
See!  I have nothing up my sleeve!